Hello friends, 

My name is Audra. I am super passionate about helping you gain control over your mind and become the most healthy, confident and fit version of yourself that God has designed you to be. 




Joanna says...

I have no idea where I would be without Redeemed Wellness. I look at food completely different. This group is exactly what I needed to switch my family over to Whole Foods and to get fit. I will forever be grateful to Audra for speaking so much truth into me. 

Marilyn says...

Being a part of Redeemed Wellness accountability group has changed my life. I would have not been motivated to continue working out three times a week. So many times I didn’t want to work out and on my own I know I would have quit. This group pushes me to finish what I start. Having a community of women you can be vulnerable with and who  encourage and push you to new levels has been meaningful to me. It’s been so much more than just losing weight it’s been a whole mindset shift. I love how Audra brings scripture in and speaks those over us, reminding us that this is a spiritual journey just as much if not more than a weight loss journey. 

Ina says...

Joining Audra‘s fitness group was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. She has helped me in my journey of losing 80 pounds. The best thing that has happened to me is how she has guided me and showed me who I am in Christ. She has taught me that I can overcome anything, I put my mind to. She keeps the group highly motivated, inspired, and is willing to firmly but lovingly let you know if you’re slacking. I have become completely transformed through her help and her program. It’s not all about the physical aspect but it’s the focus she puts on the mental and spiritual life that’s phenomenal!! Completely life changing for me. 

Linda says...

I’m not sure how to put my experience of this group into words. If I could give this group 10 stars I would. I’m so extremely thankful for Audra and the courage she has chose to take and trust God with leading and pouring into redeemed wellness. The way she makes everyone feel loved and cared for is like ALL Christ followers should be, but unfortunately what she gives is rare. The way she chooses to give life to everyone around her even when she may be in a struggle herself is absolutely incredible. 

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